Xena of the High Seas – A Xena: Warrior Princess Story

[Quick note: This little story takes place before the events of the show when Xena was a pirate and still a villain]

Xena’s ship had been sailing the wide blue sea for days without seeing another soul. She and her crew were definitely getting restless, wanting some action and some blood. When they sighted a merchant vessel, they hurried to sail toward it. At the very least there would probably be good food aboard and a little bit of a fight to take it over. Xena sharpened her sword as she ordered her crew to get the ship to go faster. She glared across the waters, mentally preparing herself to take the ship. She was a fierce warrior and she knew that nobody could take her in a fair fight and this would not be a fair fight. These merchants had no idea what was coming.

The ship cut through the water and closed in. Her men lined the railing of Xena’s boat as they closed in and the merchant crew knew what the score was right away. Xena struck first. She had spotted an archer up in the crow’s nest and she tossed her chakram, downing the man with one shot. She grabbed a rope and swung over, drawing her sword with her distinctive war cry. Her strikes and moves would have been called beautiful if they did not shed so much blood. She was expertly attacking to injure, not to kill. She could not torture dead men for information later and she might sell a few into slavery. Her men followed her in an overwhelming force.

It was only a few moments until the guards and sailors started to throw down their swords. They sank to their knees in desperation which brought a fierce smile to Xena’s face. She sheathed her sword.

“Bring forward your goods for my inspection,” Xena called out. “And I’m warning you that you will die if you try to hide anything from me. I want to see your best.”

Some of the sailors started to look at each other but scrambled to fulfill her request when she touched the hilt of her sword. They went below decks to gather what they may.

“Let me talk to the captain if he or she still lives,” Xena called out.

A older man stepped forward, making sure not to provoke any punishment for himself or his crew.

“I am here,” the man said. “My name is Timolus and this is my ship.”

“You mean that this is my ship now,” Xena said, stepping forward to poke Timolus’ chest with her finger. “You have been boarded by Xena. You know what that means?” 

Timolus nodded, taking a deep yet shaky breath. “I’ve heard the stories,” he said. “We all have. We will not give you any more trouble. Please spare us.”

“I haven’t decided what I’ll do yet,” Xena said with a dangerous grin. “I could burn this boat. I could do a lot of things.” She paused. “Is there somebody important on this vessel?”

“Why do you ask?” Timolus asked cautiously.

“Remember when I warned you about hiding things from me?” Xena asked. “Answer the question.”

A young woman emerged from below decks, clad in fine silks. She was gorgeous and held herself with a noble bearing. Xena was immediately interested.

“It’s no use, Timolus,” the woman said. “She knows. I won’t try to hide and let you and yours be hurt by her or worse.”

“Hello, Beautiful,” Xena said with a smile. “So brave. What’s your name?”

“My name is Iphigenia,” the woman said. “I have heard of you. Have you heard of me?”

Xena laughed. “Yes, you’re a bonafide princess,” she said. “Your father will pay plenty to get you back. A ransom that will fill our coffers for a long time.”

Iphigenia scoffed. “I hate to disappoint you but my father wants nothing to do with me,” she said. “He has washed his hands of me. He tried to have me killed, sacrificed to Artemis but she changed her mind and saved me at the last moment. I paid for passage on this ship to leave a homeland I no longer wanted to live in.”

Xena frowned. “Very disappointing, princess,” she said. “I’ve been betrayed myself so your story has not fallen on deaf ears. I will decide what to do with you in time. I’m sure I can find some use for you yet. For the time being, you will sit beside me. Bring on the food and drink. My men deserve a feast.”

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2 Responses to “Xena of the High Seas – A Xena: Warrior Princess Story”

  1. creativecottage2e1d4eee5e Says:

    Any story that involves a powerful person needing to pay a ransom immediately grabs my interest. :-)Hope you are enjoying the A to Z. I don’t always comment but as a long time subscriber, I read your posts often.


  2. creativecottage2e1d4eee5e Says:

    Whenever a ransom is mentioned, I’m usually interested.
    Hope you are enjoying the A to Z boghop. As a long time follower, I don’t always comment, but I’ve read quite a few of your posts. Enjoy them all.


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