Posts Tagged ‘Mortal Kombat’

Zangief the Brave – A Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter Story

April 30, 2022

Sonya Blade parked her SUV and slipped on her sunglasses. They were a gift from Johnny but they were so useful on bright days. She checked her gun in its holster and then made sure her badge was tucked away. She wished that she could make herself look like an average woman but she had become military through and through. She was happy to move from hunting criminals to hunting down extradimensional invaders. She had been through fire and it had made her stronger but part of that was leaving behind a normal life. So be it. It had to be done.

“Thank you for coming along,” Sonya said, turning to look at Chun-Li Xiang. “All of this fresh blood is going to help us in the fight but I don’t know these people like you do.”

“Well, I investigated a lot of them for Interpol at one point or another,” Chun-Li said. “And I’m also a little better with people than Guile or Cammy.”

“Good,” Sonya said. “We need to recruit the best that you have for the next tournament and that might mean siding with some of your less savory acquaintances.”

“I understand,” Chun-Li said. “I understand the whole deal between us.”

Sonya nodded. “If you help us with this recruitment drive and the next tournament,” she said. “We’ll help you take down Shadaloo.”

Chun-Li nodded, excited by the thought of finally achieving her revenge. She could deal with anything to achieve that goal, even dealing with Outworld and its denizens.

“Well, we’ve brought in Ken Masters, Ryu, Edmond Honda, Luke Sullivan, Karin Kanzuki, Sakura Kasugano,  and Fei Long so far,” Chun-Li said. “We get connections to the US Air Force and MI-6 through Major Guile and Cammy White. We haven’t located Dhalsim or Blanka yet.”

“What about this stop?” Sonya asked, looking over at the bar they were about to enter.

“Oh, I think this one will net us two fighters,” Chun-Li said. “Inside that bar is one of the greatest fighters around. Sometimes he’s known as the Red Cyclone but most of us know him as Zangief.”

“The pro-wrestler?” Sonya asked. “I mean, I’ve seen pictures. He’s ripped but how good of a fighter is he?”

“He’s a really good fighter,” Chun-Li said. “Pro-Wrestling is his day job but he’s been in the street fighting circuit like the rest of us too. I would definitely want him on my side in a fight.  Besides, through him, we might recruit Rainbow Mika and El Fuerte.”

“More pro-wrestlers,” Sonya said.

“Hey, don’t underestimate them,” Chun-Li said. “Zangief has wrestled bears and gone toe to toe with Shadaloo as well.”

“Let’s go talk to him then,” Sonya said and climbed out of the vehicle. She scanned the street up and down instinctively and she watched Chun-Li do the same. It was impossible to push those routines away but they also kept you alive in bad times.

Chun-Li led the way and pushed open the door. She was dressed casually but she still had her hair up in ox horns. Sonya had her hair in the usual combat-ready ponytail and was dressed in all black. The inside of the bar was noisy and rowdy but Sonya and Chun-Li did not even flinch, knowing they could probably take just about anybody in a fight. Chun-Li approached the bar.

“We’re here to see Zangief,” she told the bartender. The bartender gestured to a door behind the bar and the two ladies made their way to the private back room.

Inside that room was the hulking form of Zangief, his shirt barely containing his impressive physique. Chun-Li was not sure she had ever seen him with his chest covered. There were a few burly men and tough-looking women surrounding the big man and a ton of bottles with varying amounts of liquid still in them.

“Chun-Li!” Zangief shouted. “An old competitor of mine,” he told his friends. “Do not be fooled by her size, she is very fierce. Show them your lightning kick.”

Chun-Li smiled. “Now’s not the time for that, Zangief,” she said. “We’ve got business.”

“Show them,” Zangief insisted. “Then business.”

“Fine,” Chun-Li said. “Glad I didn’t wear a skirt today.”

She picked up a bottle, threw it into the air, and suddenly her leg was in motion. It looked like she was kicking with multiple legs as they blurred in the air. The bottle was absolutely obliterated by dozens of kicks that impacted it within a split second. Zangief clapped and everybody else joined in, including Sonya. It was very impressive.

“Very good,” Zangief said. “Now to business. Everyone out, leave me to do business.” His voice was commanding and everybody cleared out before they pissed off the big guy. Zangief grabbed a bottle and poured out three shots. “We drink. To the fight!” He downed the shot in a flash. The ladies shrugged and followed suit. The vodka did not go down easy as it burned their throats and made their eyes water.

“Good stuff,” Chun-Li managed to choke out. “Zangief, this is my friend Sonya Blade.”

“Sonya Blade,” Zangief said, nodding. “Are you also a fighter?”

“Oh I’m definitely a fighter,” Sonya said. “I’ve seen fights you wouldn’t believe.”

“I’ve seen many fights,” Zangief said. “Many fights you might not believe either.”

“What are you doing outside of Russia, Zangief?” Chun-Li asked.

At the question, Zangief’s expression darkened and he shook his head. “I am temporarily out of Mother Russia,” he said. “I could not stand by as they committed atrocities. I was informed that if I did not remain silent, I would not be welcome. I could not stay silent. I continue to protest while abroad.”

“What if I told you that we need you?” Sonya asked. “Would you be willing to fight not for Russia but for Earth?”

“For Earth?” Zangief asked. “Please tell me more, Ms. Blade.”

Media Update 4/29/21

April 29, 2021

Mortal Kombat

My friends and I fell in love with the Mortal Kombat video game franchise back in the day. We even created our own characters. Mine was not that imaginative at the time (another Scorpion recolor). The original movies were dumb but good fun and I am happy to say that this movie follows that tradition. The movie follows a group of strangers who are tapped to be champions of Earth against the Outworld. The movie felt more focused than previous outings by framing the movie around the very cool Subzero/Scorpion rivalry from the games. The movie follows Lewis Tan as an original character who would definitely fit into any of the games. Jessica McNamee plays Sonya Blade, for once not a damsel in distress and with an actual character arc. Kano is played by Josh Lawson and provides much of the comic relief. Ludi Lin and Max Huang do an excellent job of bringing in that classic Mortal Kombat feel as Liu Kang and Kung Lao. The movie has really fun (and sometimes surprisingly violent) special effects and I loved the character designs. The characters all felt like their video game counterparts but they allowed for little updates and twists that made it into its own thing. The movie is also gloriously peppered with quotes from the original games, easter eggs, shout outs, and a banging soundtrack. I recommend the movie a lot.

Superman and Lois

I was actually kind of skeptical when I saw an announcement for this show. I felt that Superman was a great side character on Supergirl but I wondered if he actually merited his own show. I was wrong. This show feels like a throwback to Lois and Clark with a slightly more serious CW bent to it. This show is not just a Superman show. It equally focuses on Superman, Lois Lane, and their twin sons, Jonathan and Jordan. We get the superheroics of Superman, the hard-hitting journalism of Lois Lane at her best, and how two kids deal with their dad being Superman. We also get to see their family dynamic in what feels like a fresh way. Each are allowed room to pursue their own plot threads but also come together organically when those threads intersect. Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch return as Clark and Lois and really pull out all of the stops in the acting department. Alex Garfin and Jordan Elsass do a really god job as the super twins, really exploring the teenage years in an interesting way. The cast around them is absolutely great as we see a lot of great characters from the comics and other CW shows. I am very interested to see where this goes. I recommend this show especially if you have liked the other DC Comics offerings on the CW.

Creed II

I was a huge fan of Creed because it really breathed new life into the Rocky franchise. In fact, I see Creed as way better than any of the Rocky movies. This one takes the first movie and adds so much more to it. It follows the first movie a couple of months later and has Adonis Creed dealing with his own legacy and his father’s legacy. Michael B. Jordan has so much heart in the lead role and is so much fun to watch. The movie just could not happen without Tessa Thompson along for the ride again. She is not only a great actress but her music adds a lot to an already great soundtrack. Sylvestor Stallone has really relaxed in his old age into a really good actor. Dolph Lundgren returns as Ivan Drago and also is a much better actor than he was decades ago. Florian Munteau appears as Viktor Drago and does a lot with his physicality and very few lines. I recommend this movie.

Music of the Week:

Lauren Ruth Ward – Well, Hell

Trivium – Drowning in the Sound

Rita Ora – Soul Survivor

Watsky – Limo 4 Emos

Mashup of the Week:

Mashed Potatoes – Bye Bye O B

Weekly Update:
This week’s theme is “Legendary Lineage”
I watched more Watcher videos
I watched a lot of Twitch and YouTube
i watched more Elementary Season 4
I watched more Prodigal Son Season 2
I watched more Bob’s Burgers Season 11
I watched more A Crime to Remember
I started watching Conspiracies
I finished The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

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